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  • Waxing treatments should be performed no less than 3 days prior to your enhancement.

  • IPL laser hair removal should be performed no less than 2 weeks prior to your enhancement.

  • Electrolysis treatments should be performed no less than 5 days prior to your enhancement.

  • Eyebrow tinting should not be undertaken for 2 weeks prior to and after your enhancement.



If you have had an eye procedure and you are prone to eye infections, it is advisable that you purchase an antibiotic eye cream that contains Chloraphenical such as Optrex Eyes or Golden Eye. You can find these at any Chemist. They will prevent and treat any unwanted infections. Please apply a healing balm to the enhancement 3 times a day to keep it from drying up and flaking off. Vaseline is fine, but it must be a new pot and applied using a clean unused cotton bud to prevent cross contamination. Do not pick, peel or touch your new enhancement and allow it to heal naturally on its own.



  • Eyelash tinting or eyelash perming treatments should be carried out no sooner than 1 week prior to or 2 weeks after your enhancement.

  • Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following your enhancement procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses 24 hours after the procedure.

  • You may have mild swelling after your enhancement procedure. As a safety precaution you may wish to have someone drive you home.



If you are prone to cold sores it is important that you take an ant-viral medication before having a lip enhancement. As a general rule 3 days before and 3 days after should be sufficient. Your doctor can prescribe Acciclover tablets for you. The procedure does not cause cold sores, but if the virus is lying dormant in the skin it can irritate it and can cause an outburst. You are also advised to use Zovirax for 5 days before and after as an extra precaution.


  • IPL laser hair removal should be performed at least 2 weeks prior to your enhancement.

  • Lip wax or bleaching treatments should not be undertaken for a 2-week period prior to and after your enhancement.



Prior to your permanent cosmetic enhancement, consider the look that you wish to achieve. Be prepared for the colour intensity to be significantly sharper and darker immediately after the procedure. This will subside and become softer as the skin heals. This process can take up to fourteen days.Taking Ibuprofen can help if taken before and after to help with my discomfort and swelling.



  • Do not take aspirin or Ibuprofen 2 days prior to and after your enhancement.

  • Keep alcohol intake to a minimum 2 days prior to and after your enhancement.

  • Do not use “Retin A” skincare products close to the enhancement area 1 month prior to and after your procedure.

  • Do not use “AHA” skincare products close to the enhancement area 2 weeks prior to and after your procedure.


Note:  As with electrolysis the National Blood Service does not accept donations of blood for 1 year after a permanent cosmetic enhancement.





  • YOU MUST BE 18

  • You cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding

  • You must be well on the day of your procedure

  • ​It is recommended you will need a 2nd top-up treatment to optimize results

  • You will be unable to go to the gym or swim immediately after the treatment

  • You should always use sun block on the treated area

  • You will not be able to give blood for 1 year after the treatment

  • For the best possible results and to avoid complications always follow the aftercare advice given


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